Anxiety Therapy

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a part of life for all of us and in smaller doses can even be helpful.  Feeling anxious spurs us on to prepare for a presentation, or important life event, but too much can paralyze us or leave us filled with dread. Anxiety is a feeling of worry that one cannot really control and impacts us physically, emotionally, and cognitively.  It can have differing origins including unprocessed stress, trauma, recent life events, medical illness, or family history.

A man of color in a black short sleeve t shirt sitting on a large rock amidst other large rock looking out to a calm, blue, sea horizon

Relief From Anxiety

Whatever the cause, we can help you understand how it sits in your body and mind, and notice it as it begins to rise when you are worried.  You will begin to learn how to calm your body and mind and how to be compassionate to yourself. We will help you understand anxiety is not dangerous - just really, sometimes awfully, unpleasant. 

Anxiety is also not a very good predictor of how something will go in the future (the meeting, the date, your health, etc) or helpful when ruminating about a past event, but these can be strong default patterns for many of us.

Lastly, the “watering can” of anxiety is avoidance (flight response).  When we use experiential avoidance, we may feel better in the very short term, but it feeds the cycle of worry, and then we often feel ashamed, stuck, or like we’re missing out on part of life.  We will help you understand this cycle and move forward in the life you want to live.

Let’s Begin

Reach out by phone, email, or contact us using the secure form through the link below. We’ll get back to you no later than the end of the same business day.